tisdag 9 juni 2009

small things

This is me and my friend sara watching the tiniest ducklings ever to be seen in the castle park of Göteborg, making their way through the water weeds and hunting mini mosquitos. There is something about small things that makes me want to take them in my palm and have them. A feeling that I have the right to, somehow.
We walked for nearly two hours and it rained on us and I felt a lot calmer afterwards.
Highpoint: the walk and the ducklings. finding a painting I made 14 years ago. saras flatmates cat relactantly letting me stroke it. the omelet that sara made. all the activities on the balcony.
Lowpoint: feeling restless and unsatisfied and worrying about the future.
Mission: a good nights sleep. Getting through the things I have in front of me this weekend and maybe do some dancing in between. Experience more magic moments.

torsdag 4 juni 2009

skyes opening orange

Can´t really draw a picture of the perfectness of this day but here it is in points:

made breakfast, listening to Nat King Cole and pretending I was a B n B, while bobo kept sleeping.

Had breakfast with 3 good friends on balcony.

Wore new orange sweater.¨

Sun in the neck.

Saved someone from a giant wasp, without killing it.

Walk in the park and watched seals being fed fish.

Went to school and out again.

Walked with selma and Bike home.

Invited mum and katarina for apple pie on the balcony.

Discovered baby birds in one of the air shafts of the house.

Did laundry.

Then a sudden longing to be sucked into something otherworldy kicked in, for being enclosed in a dark, safe space, believing in vampires and the power of impossible love and in being able to fly.
Went out in the storm while the skies opened, wanting a feeling of exhaustion in my stomach or to find a world of magic and old times and dark hovering castles, roaring seas, good versus evil.

(Now I am sitting here with a movie about great white sharks threatening the entire human race. Or at least California.)