tisdag 24 februari 2009


I read today in the paper that vitamin D is better for curing colds than vitamin C... This means my well tried lemon-and-ginger cure should be swopped to fish.
I actually had fish a couple of times in the last month. I dont mind the taste really, but the consistensy...and when I realise that what I am eating once had eyes I feel like a really bad person. Remember snorkling in Belize and chasing the funny looking creatures around rocks and corrals in shallow waters...to quote a shark: "Fish are friends, not food."

Fish is the new lemon?

Otherwise today: Lots of thoughts running around my head, a chaotic kitchen that's being slightly rebuilt, another trip to Ikea, nice coffe time with class mates (we talked about stolen bikes) and soon mashed potatoes and soy sausages with my mum. Then some sweaty dancing, and then another day.

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