tisdag 21 april 2009


I will soon be going to bed but first I want to tip you about this remarkable homepage: http://www.bakemyday.se
So much imagination.

Today I have worked some, cooked twice, eaten, biked, danced and watched the first episode of the first season of Angel, which took just over a week to download.

My balcony is a mess of empty pots and boxes, half filled bags of dirt and shivering plants. I am impatient for the seeds to grow on my windowsill, and for my five articles to be finished.

highpoint: either missing or forgotten...maybe making plans with bobo about tomorrow night? Or coming up with a disposition for the first article.

mission of Tomorrow: Interview Vasudeva Das at Nimai house. Transcribe and work on article two and three. If sunny, plant peas and spinach in the boxes. Hang out with bobo and watch some vampire slaying,

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