söndag 29 mars 2009

I have lost three...

I have lost three mittens in one and a half week. Am beginning to think it's some kind of weird spring sign. No, but seriously; if anyone sees them, please tell them to come back home since my hands are still cold.
Highpoints of the weekend: The amazing meal with the hare krishna guys, earth our with elin at Kellys in candlelight.
Mission of tomorrow: A train ride. And possibly buying a diktafon.

torsdag 26 mars 2009


Visited a monastery. Met with my supervisor. Bought a green hoodie. Read a book about growing things on balconies.

highpoint: Lai Thai is back on the kings square, and she still remembers I want the peanut sauce.

måndag 23 mars 2009

The purple giraff

Last night I dreamt that my mum was showing me tatoos that I did not know she had. They were from her youth and childhood and she told me the stories behind them. I especially remember a little pink giraff with purple spots. It was a bit faded, but I was pleasently surprised to see it.

I googled a bit to try and find the meaning of a giraff tatoo, but the closest thing I found was lions and palm trees, which means "sweet journey to the south seas" and "strenght and bravery".

I also googled "dreaming of a giraff". The possible meanings I found was:
1.That I should stick my neck out, extend myself and take chanses.
2.The giraff (me) has it's head in the clouds and needs to get back down to earth.
3. The giraff (me) is awkwardly trying to eat grass, indicating that being down to earth is'nt always practical.
4. I want to keep my feet firmly planted on the ground while viewing the horizon clearly.

Highpoint of today: as often, cycling fast listening to music in the dark, making a descisision, tasting the great food that hungry sara made
Mission of Tomorrow: Not forget to meet the hare krishna guy at two. Make more things happen.

lördag 21 mars 2009

saturday night...

It is saturday and I am already in bed. Happy that the internet is working again. A neighbour is playing old music really loud, right now a deep woman's voice is singing something that reminds me of an old movie.
Yesterday we watched the bollywood movie Dil se, it means with all my heart. It was intense and I would recommend it to annyone.

Today I: worked, walked in the botanical garden, held a dogs head in my lap in a sofa, cried ofter a passed dissapearing in a near future, read the paper in the bath

Highpoint of Yesterday (well, technically today): When I was getting closer to home, right after midnight, killing in the name of with Rage against the machine came on the radio. Its amazing what music that was once lodged in your brain can do with you.

torsdag 19 mars 2009

queen of Högsbo...

The highpoint of today was getting a postcard from my bestest swimming friend agnes, who lives in poland. Instead of my regular surname she had written : "Mary queen of Högsbo" in the adress field. It made me laugh out loud. It goes way back to the times when we were 19 and I lived on a small scottish island and wrote letters to her about a beautiful gardener that I was too shy to ever speak to. On every letter or postcard she sent me she had scribbled "Mary queen of scots", it made me slighty embarrased and slightly proud every time I went to pick up my post. Sometimes I miss those times.

I also went for a walk today, with my mum and her dog and her friend, out on Amundön. We had sandwiches in the sunshine on a cliff overlooking sea, and we spoke about how much we don't get filosophy, and what might happen when you die, and how often you need to buy really good new shoes. We also saw 31 swans fly in the skye.

tisdag 17 mars 2009

Today I:
*painted a piece of furniture
*had a realisation about myself which I might share tomorrow
*cut the third finger on the same hand in three days (index finger, left hand, grater)
*watched the first episode on the last cd of Buffy season four, but this time with lovely friend sara.
*washed the dishes for the first time since friday. (it included all my glasses, plates and knives)
*danced like a maniac
*cycled very fast

highpoint of Today: Dancing like a maniac. Seeing a tram reflected in a pond in the park: a perfect row of yellow rectangels, by an orange road, under a starry skye, and then me, on my bike.

Mission of Tomorrow: Not cut any more fingers (but buy plasters just in case). Do the washing up. Close my eyes and turn my face to the sun at least one time.

söndag 15 mars 2009

Spring in the moomin valley

In a minute I will go out into the sunlight to see bobo's new house and take a walk under the blue skye. But first I just want to share these signs of spring with you:

A few days ago the care taker was trimming trees outside my window.

Spring has come to the moomin valley.

lördag 14 mars 2009

Friday the 13th...

Yesterday was Friday the 13th and here is what happened to me:
1. I cut my finger when opening a bottle of fine olive oil.
2. My blender or stavmixer broke when I was making hommous.
3. A huge light buld fell from a shelf and broke into a thousand pieces in the hallway.
4. An ATM machine ate my visa card.

But there were good things also:
1. I found out I have job in the summer.
2. I threw a party and nice people came.
3. We went out dancing and it was fun.
4. I didn't fall off my bike on the way home.

You have requested pictures of the pigs, and since I still don't have a functioning camera I have been forced to steal them from somebody elses blog. Here they are anyway:

Photograph by Christina Ahl.

onsdag 11 mars 2009

The arrival day...

Today is the day of two arrivals:
Three small fury spotted pigs. When they ran around inspecting their new home their ears flapped. I think I already love them. (Promise pictures soon.)
A blue sofa. If it fits through the doorway. Im going to get it now, anna and I are renting a small truck.
Small pigs small truck big sofa.

Highpoints today: Breakfast with bobo until three o clock. End of Buffy season four. Walk in the sunshine with bobo. Pigs arriving. Dinner with anna.
Mission of Tomorrow: Working out. Telling sara the truth about watchning the end of buffy, season four, without her...

måndag 9 mars 2009

Im so excited...

Today I noticed that a house has arrived for my new neighbours the pigs. I am anxiously awaiting their arrival. At first I thougth the idea of locally produced piglets slightly west to the centre of a town was a crazy idea, but now I cant wait for them to come. I will watch them from my balcony everyday, and maybe feed them some potato peel so they will start to like me. And if someone talks about eating them I will steal them and keep them in my bath tub, like they did in a book I read when I was a kid. Honestly, I will!

söndag 8 mars 2009

Heavy head = light feet

International women's day...whoo-ho... a light snowfall turned into heavy rain and made a biker soaked and cold...now her head is heavy and her throath in sore and she is thinking that maybe it is just as well cos she will miss the 8th of march rally anyway due to the weekly zumba class. Let us just hope that a heavy head and a sore throat means light feet and flexible hips.

happy international women's day to sisters everywhere!

lördag 7 mars 2009

Why do I always do this?

Why do I always win auctions on the swedish equivalent of e-bay, when I dont really want the thing I am bidding on? And why am I so honest and pay the 25 crowns for the thing, the ten crowns for the bubble wrap and the 37 crowns for postage?
Last buy: Two flat tin boxes, one that says "goggles" and once kept a pair of sunglasses. The other one used to keep crayons I think. I dont have any crayons. I have a lot of tin boxes. I used to collect them. I dont anymore.

Mission of Tomorrow: celebrate friend vanjas birthday. Not buying things off the internet (unless they look like a sofa...or that really cool tin easter egg I found a couple of weeks ago...)

torsdag 5 mars 2009

In the last couple of days:

Had two answers: one hopefully positive but a bit secretive: "You are on my list. It is looking quite bright for you. That is all I can say."
One that made me realise I shouldnt have asked the question because it made my stomach go numb: "I had the beginnings of a crush on someone."

Then a happy dog and a handsome man looked through my apartment, the dog wagged its tail. They found a tiny bit of mould under the kitchen sink, and also on the cleaning rags I keep in my bathroom. The dog got a yellow ball when it found them, threw it in the air and wagged even more. I didnt have to give them any money, maybe because the man liked me. Or because the dog wasn't a professional.

tisdag 3 mars 2009

New motto

Yesterday I cycled past an advertisment board that said: "What you dream is just as important as what you do." This is exactly what I have suspected all along. Think I will make it my new motto, it is way more comforting than what I had before: "Your choices, rather than your abilities, define who you are", said by a famous writer. Or maybe I will put them together: "Your dreams, rather than your choices, define your abilities." Oh, I am such a great person. I have as many lovers and mistresses as Orlando and great things are being created all the time. In my mind.

söndag 1 mars 2009

highpoint hello...?

Ok, so no real highpoint of the day. Or actually, this is my highpoint now...Its over midnight, I changed my mind about going out, now listening to classical music on the radio, sitting by my kitchen table reading bloggs about other peoples nights out.

You may not know it yet, but one of the aims of this blog is that Im going to start writing a book soon. This will be where I keep my outline. I already posted a note on Julie. One of the chapters will be about someone named Katie. I will tell you mote about it next week.