lördag 14 mars 2009

Friday the 13th...

Yesterday was Friday the 13th and here is what happened to me:
1. I cut my finger when opening a bottle of fine olive oil.
2. My blender or stavmixer broke when I was making hommous.
3. A huge light buld fell from a shelf and broke into a thousand pieces in the hallway.
4. An ATM machine ate my visa card.

But there were good things also:
1. I found out I have job in the summer.
2. I threw a party and nice people came.
3. We went out dancing and it was fun.
4. I didn't fall off my bike on the way home.

You have requested pictures of the pigs, and since I still don't have a functioning camera I have been forced to steal them from somebody elses blog. Here they are anyway:

Photograph by Christina Ahl.

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