It is saturday and I am already in bed. Happy that the internet is working again. A neighbour is playing old music really loud, right now a deep woman's voice is singing something that reminds me of an old movie.
Yesterday we watched the bollywood movie Dil se, it means with all my heart. It was intense and I would recommend it to annyone.
Today I: worked, walked in the botanical garden, held a dogs head in my lap in a sofa, cried ofter a passed dissapearing in a near future, read the paper in the bath
Highpoint of Yesterday (well, technically today): When I was getting closer to home, right after midnight, killing in the name of with Rage against the machine came on the radio. Its amazing what music that was once lodged in your brain can do with you.
Today I: worked, walked in the botanical garden, held a dogs head in my lap in a sofa, cried ofter a passed dissapearing in a near future, read the paper in the bath
Highpoint of Yesterday (well, technically today): When I was getting closer to home, right after midnight, killing in the name of with Rage against the machine came on the radio. Its amazing what music that was once lodged in your brain can do with you.
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