Today is the first of may, the day of the workers. And so I stay at home, working.
Took a walk early this morning through a street I didnt know, found a hammock to slowly swing in for a while, letting the sun (sifiting through a tenderly green birch tree) play on my eyelids. Then through the graveyard, it was still as always, full of the history of life.
The pigs greeted me loudly as I walked past, and didnt care to hide their disapointment when I didnt bring food. One of them even threw itself on the ground right by the fence, pretending it was weak with hunger. I knew better. Pigs are always hungry. (as am I)
Highpoints of Lately: when I pondered on my bookshelf and my eye was caught by two books my friend has written and I felt a sudden pride rise up inside me: My friend has her name on the spines of two books!
All the things sprouting on the balcony: spinach, rocket sallad, carrot, onion, beetroot and radishes. And on the window sill: cress, sweet pea, rose bean, sweet basil and lemon grass, thyme, tomatoes, sun flowers and things I forgot what they are.
Mission: Stay inside and do my work all day (all week), then have a pick nick, maybe by the sea.

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