This one goes out to people who know how to change bad situations into good using their attitude. Like this morning when I did´t hear the alarm clock and woke up one and a half hours to late, biked as if my life was in danger (probably endangering it), missed the second bus anyway and screwed up the whole morning. Feeling like a complete failure I was then met at work by a photographer in a great mood, saying things like lugna puckar - no worries and now that the day started so bad it can only get better. See, attitude is really everything. Especially when it comes to people around you.
I might as well remember it cos its highly probable that I will be horribly late for something quite important some day again.
And you might as well remember it cos it's quite possible that it will happen to you too.
Or to anyone near you and then you will know that the best thing is to say Lugna puckar.
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