onsdag 5 augusti 2009

This summer is in ways very intense. Maybe a week ago I was about to cycle across a road in the night time, fast music in my ears and a good feeling in my stomach, when I found myself suddenly becoming cautious, reluctantly breaking in front of the pavement. Then I heard myself thinking Please don´t get run over by a car right now when you love life so much
Yesterday though, I really did almost get run over, but my body was to tired to pump around any adrenalin.

I found a store selling things-forgotten-on-the-train and was amased by what people once forgot. Bought a nice pink t-shirt I imagine was left by a girl with beach blond hair who likes surfing and who isn't afraid of sharks like I am. She would never think Please dont get eaten by a shark today - she would just chase the next wave.

1 kommentar:

  1. Jag gillar det med second hand.. att liksom lite undra vem som hade saken förut. Det är lite fint och känns alltid så bra, jämfört med att tänka "oh, den här är massproducerad i taiwan".

    Fin blogg du med har :)
