tisdag 20 oktober 2009

onsdag 16 september 2009
måndag 7 september 2009
everything unknown
Then all of a sudden I became aware of the fact that everyone walking by on the street had been that small, and how weird it is when u think about it. I was also thinking about how everything is unknown when you see it for the first time. Like a chair - to a baby it's not even a mystery, you just accept it as a fascinating part of a world that grows bigger everyday.
söndag 6 september 2009
moving out...
Was it a good or a bad thing? Time will tell.
Highpoint: moving out of the comfort zone
Lowpoint: worrying about what it will or will not mean
tisdag 1 september 2009
It is from the village Nuevo San Jose in Guatemala where I once met this girl named Katie. She took me into a hen house to show me how the birds sang in the dark.
Later that week I tried to climb a small montain to impress her, but fell down and scratched my arm instead. "Boys are show offs" she said as we watched a guy climb all the way up.
"Girls are too" I thought as I wiped the mud from my arms and legs.
About the now: tooth ache. Someone let the air out of my bike tires last saturday, and stole the basket. A tomato going red on the balcony. Writing cheesy things, mostly.
måndag 17 augusti 2009
Went around town aimlessly trying on clothes yesterday, not really knowing what I needed and not wanting to get anything that I don´t need. Got into that whole who am I really mood in front of all the mirrors. So many people you could be on the outside.

onsdag 12 augusti 2009
Knock on wood
...and five minutes ago I emptied my newly refilled mug of steaming hot tea all over the desk...but it really doesn't matter. The day is mine anyway.
torsdag 6 augusti 2009

onsdag 5 augusti 2009
Yesterday though, I really did almost get run over, but my body was to tired to pump around any adrenalin.
I found a store selling things-forgotten-on-the-train and was amased by what people once forgot. Bought a nice pink t-shirt I imagine was left by a girl with beach blond hair who likes surfing and who isn't afraid of sharks like I am. She would never think Please dont get eaten by a shark today - she would just chase the next wave.

lördag 1 augusti 2009
Through to the other side.
I didn't even cry when the keys were handed over to the quiet young man with the smile in the corner of his mouth. The shell of my past his future. Maybe some things are just to basic to grasp in one mind: like the passing of time, the passing of houses, the passing of people.
As for now I think I have a bit of a crush on the future.
to come: notes on the currently ongoing summer
tisdag 9 juni 2009
small things

torsdag 4 juni 2009
skyes opening orange
made breakfast, listening to Nat King Cole and pretending I was a B n B, while bobo kept sleeping.
Had breakfast with 3 good friends on balcony.
Wore new orange sweater.¨
Sun in the neck.
Saved someone from a giant wasp, without killing it.
Walk in the park and watched seals being fed fish.
Went to school and out again.
Walked with selma and Bike home.
Invited mum and katarina for apple pie on the balcony.
Discovered baby birds in one of the air shafts of the house.
Did laundry.
Then a sudden longing to be sucked into something otherworldy kicked in, for being enclosed in a dark, safe space, believing in vampires and the power of impossible love and in being able to fly.
Went out in the storm while the skies opened, wanting a feeling of exhaustion in my stomach or to find a world of magic and old times and dark hovering castles, roaring seas, good versus evil.
(Now I am sitting here with a movie about great white sharks threatening the entire human race. Or at least California.)
torsdag 21 maj 2009

söndag 17 maj 2009
lördag 16 maj 2009
Lilac leaf
I have this lump in my stomach and I haven’t been able to sleep. It’s like I know it’s in me, but when I need it I suddenly can’t bring it out. (Deadlines always used to work on me.) I had an unexpected visitor yesterday, a friend arriving straight from abroad to sit at my kitchen table drinking tea and talking about things like death and relationships and mucking out shit from a barn in England. It was great.
tisdag 12 maj 2009
half hearted poppies going crazy
Woke up feeling like I partied all night long and then forgot about it. (Or as if I’d been sleeping in a tent.) Aching body, moody mind.
Phoned a man I need to interview for an article, to remind him. He spoke to me like I was a little school girl, just like the last time. “Didn’t I reply to your email? Oh poor you. But now you get to practice what it is like to be a real journalist, when you have to chase people.”
(And the first time: “Tell your supervisor that I think you should be more precise.”)
Oh poor me. Woke up on the wrong side and still have to be nice on the phone.
(Isn’t there a short story about a woman who disapperars and hides behind a wall paper? I think it is called: The wallpaper.)
fredag 8 maj 2009
No time really but...

Highpoint: when I thought I was nearly done and onto something great
Lowpoint: when I started making soup and drawing a picture in photoshop and then it was 9:15 and I wasn't done and the great slipped away
Mission: Get onto the great and get done...after having some tomato soup...oh well.
måndag 4 maj 2009
They have names
lowpoint: being indecisive. not writing. pms. my mum having a bad toothache.
highpoint: being accompanied by selma on the balcony. having a new thing for my beans to climb on.
mission: get up at eight. walk fast. meet supervisor. write more that ever. then dance.
lördag 2 maj 2009
The freakiest dream

fredag 1 maj 2009
Integrity and pride, and things sprouting
Today is the first of may, the day of the workers. And so I stay at home, working.
Took a walk early this morning through a street I didnt know, found a hammock to slowly swing in for a while, letting the sun (sifiting through a tenderly green birch tree) play on my eyelids. Then through the graveyard, it was still as always, full of the history of life.
The pigs greeted me loudly as I walked past, and didnt care to hide their disapointment when I didnt bring food. One of them even threw itself on the ground right by the fence, pretending it was weak with hunger. I knew better. Pigs are always hungry. (as am I)
Highpoints of Lately: when I pondered on my bookshelf and my eye was caught by two books my friend has written and I felt a sudden pride rise up inside me: My friend has her name on the spines of two books!
All the things sprouting on the balcony: spinach, rocket sallad, carrot, onion, beetroot and radishes. And on the window sill: cress, sweet pea, rose bean, sweet basil and lemon grass, thyme, tomatoes, sun flowers and things I forgot what they are.
Mission: Stay inside and do my work all day (all week), then have a pick nick, maybe by the sea.

söndag 26 april 2009

*digging a trench for old bushes with new neighbours, chatting and getting sweaty together in the spring sun.
* Hanging out on the beach with selma and sister, one sunbathing, the other collecting shells and the third shewing old dried mussels and smelly sea weed.
* Raking grass and moss into piles by the summer house, full of contradicting feelings of home, happyness, opposition and sorrow.
Spent a lot of times with good friends lately:
* Bobo came over, ate, watched buffy with me and stayed over on the sofa.
* Sara, Vanja, Nedine and Sara came over for dinner, playing games and laughing loud. I felt distant but enclosed in friendship.
* Little Sara and I made a translation test together, biking home and going it over in our heads, then making dinner and eating it out in the garden while the sun set.
Thank you life for that.
Highpoint: all of the above.
Lowpoint: feeling distant and restless for many days in a row.
Mission of Tomorrow: getting out of bed at seven for a (semi - I dont do the waving of arms thing.) power walk (or the frantic pace...)
getting back into writing.
tisdag 21 april 2009
So much imagination.
Today I have worked some, cooked twice, eaten, biked, danced and watched the first episode of the first season of Angel, which took just over a week to download.
My balcony is a mess of empty pots and boxes, half filled bags of dirt and shivering plants. I am impatient for the seeds to grow on my windowsill, and for my five articles to be finished.
highpoint: either missing or forgotten...maybe making plans with bobo about tomorrow night? Or coming up with a disposition for the first article.
mission of Tomorrow: Interview Vasudeva Das at Nimai house. Transcribe and work on article two and three. If sunny, plant peas and spinach in the boxes. Hang out with bobo and watch some vampire slaying,
söndag 19 april 2009

Some days ago me and Sam visited an island, where I have lived a few times. It is ful of ancient history in the form of celtic crosses and whitering ruins, but my favourite place is an old dump: an environmental catastrophe at the northest edge of the island. It holds broken bottles and ancient medicine jars, ugly plastic wrapping from the sixties and an abundance of rusty metal. I love it.
lördag 11 april 2009
All of a sudden
Nedine told us about her dream of a half manta/half sting ray that killed itself in shallow water. I checked it out and dreaming of a manta ray means:
Fluidity of movement and the ability to lay low and camoflauge oneself (especially emotionally). The dream can mean that you either have to much or too little of these qualities.
Anything that swims in deep water is normally symbolic of deep unconsious aspects of the dreamer...are you realising something about yourself, something that is moving towards the surface...?
torsdag 9 april 2009
Prejudice about Värmländska /Warmlandish

måndag 6 april 2009
A quiet and peaceful place in a pine and birch tree forests, over looking a frozen river. A girl wearing sandals in a landscape covered with snow: I had never been to that part of Sweden before.
A meeting, listening, discussions, thoughts. The whole world and all the trees and fields and little cottages outside the window and one question: Am I only living on the surface of it all?
Thinking of the picture my friend Vanja gave me when we were picking raspberries in the woods last summer: That the trees with all their branches are really upside down, that the branches are in fact roots that reach into the earth that we are enclosed in. Try that image next time you are in the woods or in a park, and let me know how you felt.
Highpoint: getting seeds from Paulina. Having cookies and coffee with sara and oli. Managing to work concentrated for five hours straight.
Mission of Tonight: phoning mamma.
Mission of Tomorrow: Finish transcribing, get hold of an atheist, dance with all my heart and write with all my heart
onsdag 1 april 2009
Need to breathe...

Highpoint: Sitting by the oceac watching the sun set with Paulina.
söndag 29 mars 2009
I have lost three...
torsdag 26 mars 2009
highpoint: Lai Thai is back on the kings square, and she still remembers I want the peanut sauce.
måndag 23 mars 2009
The purple giraff

lördag 21 mars 2009
saturday night...

Today I: worked, walked in the botanical garden, held a dogs head in my lap in a sofa, cried ofter a passed dissapearing in a near future, read the paper in the bath
Highpoint of Yesterday (well, technically today): When I was getting closer to home, right after midnight, killing in the name of with Rage against the machine came on the radio. Its amazing what music that was once lodged in your brain can do with you.
torsdag 19 mars 2009
queen of Högsbo...
I also went for a walk today, with my mum and her dog and her friend, out on Amundön. We had sandwiches in the sunshine on a cliff overlooking sea, and we spoke about how much we don't get filosophy, and what might happen when you die, and how often you need to buy really good new shoes. We also saw 31 swans fly in the skye.
tisdag 17 mars 2009
*painted a piece of furniture
*had a realisation about myself which I might share tomorrow
*cut the third finger on the same hand in three days (index finger, left hand, grater)
*watched the first episode on the last cd of Buffy season four, but this time with lovely friend sara.
*washed the dishes for the first time since friday. (it included all my glasses, plates and knives)
*danced like a maniac
*cycled very fast
highpoint of Today: Dancing like a maniac. Seeing a tram reflected in a pond in the park: a perfect row of yellow rectangels, by an orange road, under a starry skye, and then me, on my bike.
Mission of Tomorrow: Not cut any more fingers (but buy plasters just in case). Do the washing up. Close my eyes and turn my face to the sun at least one time.
söndag 15 mars 2009
Spring in the moomin valley
A few days ago the care taker was trimming trees outside my window.
lördag 14 mars 2009
Friday the 13th...
1. I cut my finger when opening a bottle of fine olive oil.
2. My blender or stavmixer broke when I was making hommous.
3. A huge light buld fell from a shelf and broke into a thousand pieces in the hallway.
4. An ATM machine ate my visa card.
But there were good things also:
1. I found out I have job in the summer.
2. I threw a party and nice people came.
3. We went out dancing and it was fun.
4. I didn't fall off my bike on the way home.
You have requested pictures of the pigs, and since I still don't have a functioning camera I have been forced to steal them from somebody elses blog. Here they are anyway:

onsdag 11 mars 2009
The arrival day...
Three small fury spotted pigs. When they ran around inspecting their new home their ears flapped. I think I already love them. (Promise pictures soon.)
A blue sofa. If it fits through the doorway. Im going to get it now, anna and I are renting a small truck.
Small pigs small truck big sofa.
Highpoints today: Breakfast with bobo until three o clock. End of Buffy season four. Walk in the sunshine with bobo. Pigs arriving. Dinner with anna.
Mission of Tomorrow: Working out. Telling sara the truth about watchning the end of buffy, season four, without her...
måndag 9 mars 2009
Im so excited...
söndag 8 mars 2009
Heavy head = light feet

lördag 7 mars 2009
Why do I always do this?

Last buy: Two flat tin boxes, one that says "goggles" and once kept a pair of sunglasses. The other one used to keep crayons I think. I dont have any crayons. I have a lot of tin boxes. I used to collect them. I dont anymore.
Mission of Tomorrow: celebrate friend vanjas birthday. Not buying things off the internet (unless they look like a sofa...or that really cool tin easter egg I found a couple of weeks ago...)
torsdag 5 mars 2009
In the last couple of days:
One that made me realise I shouldnt have asked the question because it made my stomach go numb: "I had the beginnings of a crush on someone."
Then a happy dog and a handsome man looked through my apartment, the dog wagged its tail. They found a tiny bit of mould under the kitchen sink, and also on the cleaning rags I keep in my bathroom. The dog got a yellow ball when it found them, threw it in the air and wagged even more. I didnt have to give them any money, maybe because the man liked me. Or because the dog wasn't a professional.
tisdag 3 mars 2009
New motto
söndag 1 mars 2009
highpoint hello...?
You may not know it yet, but one of the aims of this blog is that Im going to start writing a book soon. This will be where I keep my outline. I already posted a note on Julie. One of the chapters will be about someone named Katie. I will tell you mote about it next week.
lördag 28 februari 2009
Highpoint of Today: Still coming up.
Mission of Today: Get away from the computer, get to work, go dancing.
torsdag 26 februari 2009
Kill your darling...
tisdag 24 februari 2009
I actually had fish a couple of times in the last month. I dont mind the taste really, but the consistensy...and when I realise that what I am eating once had eyes I feel like a really bad person. Remember snorkling in Belize and chasing the funny looking creatures around rocks and corrals in shallow waters...to quote a shark: "Fish are friends, not food."
Otherwise today: Lots of thoughts running around my head, a chaotic kitchen that's being slightly rebuilt, another trip to Ikea, nice coffe time with class mates (we talked about stolen bikes) and soon mashed potatoes and soy sausages with my mum. Then some sweaty dancing, and then another day.
söndag 22 februari 2009
Left behind
Mission of Today: Get out of bed. Recycle.
Suspected high point of Today: Starting the new zumba class with sara and vanja.
Bike and me in San Fransisco
lördag 21 februari 2009
"What you see...
torsdag 19 februari 2009
I won ten crowns...
Someone admirable said good things about my writing today. I kept waiting for something negative but it never came. I think it made my day, maybe my week, at least until monday. My mood is a bit fragile these days.
onsdag 18 februari 2009
Today: New ID card finally, cold retrieval of broken bike, finding reasons not to read essays, not finding reasons not to read bitter gay blog.
Do I nead more real life around me?
måndag 16 februari 2009
Dandruff day
lördag 14 februari 2009
fredag 13 februari 2009
What did I do to today...?

söndag 8 februari 2009
completely calm
The second time to enjoy my own peace of mind in my own piece of home, with some candy. Looking for candy, I discovered:
* all the might-be-selling-candy stores close at four on sundays
* a new view
* that the pig's fence is nearly finished
* a full moon
* the greatness of walking around my neighbourhood in the dark
* the tickling sensation of (finally) entering a late-open store wearing two pairs of woolly socks, one of them rainbow coloured.
tisdag 27 januari 2009
onsdag 21 januari 2009
The angel
torsdag 15 januari 2009
Glorious morning
onsdag 14 januari 2009
The third time in Krakow...
söndag 11 januari 2009
måndag 5 januari 2009
Watch out...
Yesterday it came like a fog, slowly creeping in, making things blurry around the edges and leaving me indecisive and kind of heavy hearted.
I think it is starting to clear again now. Getting easier to move through.
fredag 2 januari 2009
"It´s like magical or something."
We´re In California, at dusk, quite a long time ago. Maybe 2005, definately in the autumn. Her name was Julie and her car was full of vitamin bars. She looked for a new place to live, someplace where her soul would settle. We were on our way to Santa Barbara, to see if that was it.